I'll Make You Famous…




Miley Cyrus Pink Bikini Pictures of the Day

Miley Cyrus Bikini Pictures Pink

I can only assume that this bitch is 18. I figure if Disney can exploit her and give her a career there’s no way she’s not an adult by now and just posing as a kid, cuz I am sure there are strict labor laws and shit, making this all okay to post pictures of her in a bikini, even if you’re ass wants to get off on them, not that it matters really, cuz in Canada 16 is legal, so we’re technically allowed to pick the girls up in our vans outside of highschool and do all the dirty things we want to them as long as they agree to it and aren’t gagged and hog tied the entire process, we just aren’t allowed to video tape the shit or take pictures of the shit, unless it is with our memory to reference when needed, not that I need that with this Miley bitch. I think she looks half retarded, has pretty much no sex appeal and a shitty body. The only thing going for her is that she’s not 300 fucking pounds and that’s really not saying much, but I know you American folk and your low standards will love this shit and I have no choice but to post it…just don’t zoom in on the picture to see if you see lip or anything cuz that would take this from wholesome to bad intentions and that’s the kind of thing that gets us arrested…even though we didn’t take the pictures or release them to the internet….but historically we’re always the fall guy…

Pics via Bauer

Posted in:Bikini|Miley Cyrus


