I'll Make You Famous…




Annalynne McCord in her Bikini of the Day

We’re back….for those of you who noticed…the site was down for 2 or more days….I originally thought it was cuz Mark Zuckerberg was mad at me for laughing at his girlfriend and he turned is Apergers powers on…but it turns out it was an inside job at the hosting company I use. They deleted everyone’s server in it’s entirity….

I was lucky enough to have a saved back-up of all my ramblings…so the site is pretty up to date…almost like nothing happened…leading

What better way to celebrate than post some uselss trash from 90210 the next generation….that I fucking hate…in her bikini…that I fucking love…cuz when there is a bikini, I have the ability to ignore the cunt in it….especially if her body is not offensively bad…even if her body looks like it could be a fucking primate…

Welcome back – Motherfuckers…LIKE this post….and bring me back into the celeb gossip game….

Posted in:Annalynne McCord