I'll Make You Famous…




Miley Cyrus in Shorts of the Day

Since it’s Canadian Thanksgiving, I’d like to give thanks for Miley Cyrus and the entertainment she’s brought the last 6 months since she decided to sex herself up as hard as she can to detach herself from her Disney Image, even though some of the dirtiest sex she ever had was in the Disney Offices….but I’d also like to give thanks for Miley Cyrus’ 18th birthday because I know it’ll be a turning point for her, where she either gets more hardcore and naked like the slut she’s trying to market herself as…or people will lose interest in her cuz she’s legal and not all that hot without the taboo of jerking off to her cuz it’s illegal…and we’ll move onto other under 18 year olds….leaving her alone, rejected, desperate for attention and dipping into her savings….leaving her willing to do anything and everything to get that feeling of being on the top of the world back and both outcomes sound good to me…so that’s why I’m giving thanks to Miley…

Posted in:Miley Cyrus