I'll Make You Famous…




January Jones Pregnant Milk Filled Tits of the Day

I keep following the milk filled tits on January Jones and her illegitimate bastard child, not because she’s famous, or hot, or really even of interest or interesting….I just can’t help the magnetic draw I have to bitches who make the decision to not abort when they get knocked up by a dude who was just fucking them recreationally, because they either figure that they will never get knocked up again and now is the time before it is too late, or maybe they’ve had too many abortions and one more will kill her chances of having a baby, or that they are independent and not so into doing these things on their own….you know self involved and irresponsible and not concerned with the social impact this is gonna have on the kid…the whole thing is erotic…but then again, I do call myself the drunkenstepfather, maybe broken homes and extended families are deeply connected to my soul…

Posted in:January Jones