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Archive for the January Jones Category




January Jones Brings the Bikini Attention Seeking of the Day

I don’t know if January Jones has been actively keeping up her shameless bikini content despite being in her 40s, I don’t use social media because it represents all that is bad in society and I prefer to not be reminded of that….plus when you generally hate all people, it doesn’t really make sense to see people embarrassing themselves for attention unless you need a reminder of why you hate people, which I don’t.

Even with all the self produced slutty content being uploaded, I can’t bring myself to it, I just prefer sitting in this weird corner of the internet with you, story telling like we’re two drunk friends at the bar when everyone else is at work thanks to laziness, unemployment and degeneracy, where I don’t hear anything you say, because I am not listening. In other words, a perfect union.

Anyway, Jones, January Jones, if that’s her real name is clearly an actress who only exists because she had big tits, they put her in some things, one of those things was a hit show, she hasn’t done much since, but when you strike gold once, why bother doing it again, especially when you also got knocked up by a man who is forced to pay child support every month, even if he has never been identified.

Like many old ladies, single moms, attention seekers with tits, she realizes that the showing off of her tits is good for business, which is why she does it….not as often as she probably should since she’s not getting any younger, but she’s still at it…and to her fans, because these tits have fans, that’s important because they celebrate her tits and need updated content to do that, and by celebrate, I mean jerk off to them.

Posted in:January Jones




January Jones Almost Upskirt of the Day

I don’t know if January Jones is transitioning, but she’s rocking a shorter haircut and it seems to be a trend for these Hollywood types to transition when nothing else is going on for them, you know as a cry for attention because you know they don’t actually think they are born in the wrong body, they just know that body that they used as a vehicle to get what they wanted has been run through and destroyed, and must be rebuilt as one of a new gender to at least get some stories in the media about their move to man-dom.

I guess it could also just be a haircut, a really terrible 90s mushroom cut her boyfriend may have had back when she was in her 30s in the 90s that she is reliving in her rich and bored celebrity life…

She is still wearing a skirt, but that’s the confusing thing with these transitoning people, they are such individuals while following a trend, that they can be girls who are boys who wear skirts, but are still boys, because boys can wear skirts, even when they are girls who are now boys….because that’s how unique the attention seekers are…

You may like this because it reminds you of your 1991 grad trip with that skater boy you thought was the coolest….because now you don’t have to feel gay jerking off to him.


Posted in:January Jones




January Jones Backyard Bikini of the Day

January Jones is channelling Anne Heche during the Ellen years in this shameless bikini selfie, that’s really not as bad as it could be since she’s a single mom in her 50s, but I guess she’s put some effort into maintaining her body since she’s a TV star and there are expectations and requirements from TV stars…

I don’t really like middle aged bikini selfies for attention, but I guess there’s a bunch of January Jones fans who still jerk off to her tits, some of those people may be some of the men we assume are the sperm supplier in her single mother venture…

Maybe my hate for January Jones is that I resent single mothers whoring on the internet to get by….or maybe it’s because I’ve never watched her TV show and lack that emotional connection to her vapid and fake actor existence that we’ll assume used those tits properly on casting couches in the early years to matter….and this is her now.


Posted in:January Jones




January Jones Cleavage of the Day

I guess I have higher expectations for the people who become millionaires in the entertainment industry….

I don’t think they are good people, I don’t think they are smart people, I don’t think they are talented people, but I think they have the ability to game the decision makers into giving them work, while gaming the audience to think they are higher tier, part of a more important club….yet here they are being shameless on social media for the lowest form of attention…

A bikini dance on instagram is the equivalent of the drunk girl at the bar pulling her tits out or making out with her friend….

Don’t get me wrong, I am well aware that all of hollywood people are shameless fucks who have no actual souls and are just trying all they can to matter or be seen to fill whatever void they have in their soul…but they used to keep it a little more private.

Obviously, I don’t mind a skinny bitch with tits in a skimpy swimsuit doing a little dance for her pervert fans, or for herself to feel like she matters….even when they are old or January Jones who I’ve never thought was hot, not even when she was a pregnant with a father she never revealed because she had too many cocks to pinpoint the dad….HOT.

But it’s just funny because you know how much of a snobby cunt this women has been to people throughout her life, yet here she is begging for views, it’s a sickness you can jerk off to, while imagining how fun it would be to be that bikini knowing you’d never get any period stains on you due to her menopause…


Posted in:January Jones




January Jones Lace Cleavage of the Day

As someone who didn’t watch Mad Men, I don’t give a fuck about January Jones. You know how this celebrity witch craft works, they play a character in a show that you’re into because your actual life sucks, so you think sitting on the couch and watching a bunch of overpaid assholes play pretend for you as a mechanism to tell you stories, that has a bit more production value than a podcast, but is usually just as fucking mindless and boring, but it’s way easier than actually reading because imagining characters is hard on the brain.

So yeah, they lure you in with their tits on the show you like and you are forever engaged by their behavior and what they are up to, like they jerking off to them decades later is some sort of pat on their back or message to the universe that may land you up inside them one day, even though the chances of that are few and unlikely….but you’re allowed to dream of impossible situations instead of dreaming of realistic things that can improve your life immediately.

ANYWAY, all I see is an old single mom, using her tits on her skinny enough frame for some attention as her neck melts away and her face is run through apps and filters giving it an almost gently erased look, it’s the internet, why have HD wrinkles in this vapid and empty world.

I also see the tits, in lace, which is what this is about, so some tits in lace on a pretty uninspiring Hollywood cum dumpster….

Posted in:January Jones




January Jones Pink Bikini Tits of the Day

I didn’t watch Mad Men since I hate advertising and advertising execs after years of trying to get them to advertise on this site, only to be told it’s porn, preventing me from making millions, while they are all at the strip clubs cheating on their wives with their brand clients and expense accounts! HYPOCRITES!

Not that I’d watch Mad Men if it didn’t trigger me as a person who relies on ads to make my 100 dollars a month off this bullshit site, but I assume if I did, I’d think January Jones was either hotter or more impressive than she is!

But instead, I get to see her sloppy single mom tits in a bikini that’s high waisted due to her being a mom in her 40s an she’s not a psychopath in her shameless half naked self promotion, which has involved bikini selfies on the regular for her social media feed, because these celebs, even high paid or on heft child support payments due to A-Lister cum that’s been left inside her to form a child, reducing themselves to clickbait, almost brilliant!

It’s like, you don’t need to be a shameless half naked whore but you do it anyway, even when you’re old, because that’s how important your tits are to your hustle, you small minded, simple minded, give men what they want to get the likes, and that’s actually pretty noble work! Not that a selfie is work, but these onlyfans chicks make up to millions a month off selfies, so I guess it is!

Point of the story, I don’t hate big shameless sloppy mom tits in their 40s, even if I wanted to, but I am pretty confident I could hate the host body, if I cared enough to bother, which I don’t!


Posted in:January Jones




January Jones Still Trying Hard in a Bikini of the Day

Industry superstar that no one really gives a fuck, but who got herself an instagram, so that she can be like the other bitches no one gives a fuck about, and post salacious pics of their tits to get the attention they feel they deserve, even in their 40s, January Jones, the single mother who never revealed to the world who her baby daddy is, but we assume it’s Jason Sudeikis or someone else who pays her to shut the fuck up, probably more lucrative than her acting career, since she hasn’t really done anything since Mad Men, but use her tits on social media to remind you that she has tits, which even when her old face is erased or buffed out by filters, like an old car about to be sold at auction, is a good thing cuz of tits.

This old lady bikini is likely not age appropriate, but if a set of tits wants to be half naked with the tits out for the internet, we would be assholes to not jerk off to them or at least sexualize them by leaving comments that will definitely not get you invited to her birthday party on her feed, because she’s obviously feeling down on herself and nothing a little “nice tits” or “burry me with those tits”…..or “mama” won’t fix!


Posted in:January Jones




January Jones in her Panties of the Day

I am a pervert, dudes, I’ll sexualize a fucking picture of a woman from the 1800s, I’ll sexualize a woman who looks like she was born in the 1800s, I’ll sexualize a pile of dog shit if it looks a little like a vagina, I’ll sexualize a mound of snow if it looks like a tit….I will stick my dick in a sand castle, I’ll stick my dick in old spaghetti and close my eyes and visualize something with tits….

So with that in mind, January Jones has got to give it a rest….

This bitch is so insecure, despite having made money, despite having worked in the industry at a level most never will but many want, she has fucked important people, she has been jerked off to by fans….

So when she puts up her panties to show off her knee injury from being old as shit and her knees giving out before the hip replacement….

It’s a level of desperate, lame, trying too hard, that totally takes away from an old actress bitch in her panties.

I don’t mind looking at the panties, but I am annoyed by them, I guess things aren’t black and white, but her vagina could be from all the use….like an old tire just trying not to explode…..

Then there’s the face filter to make her look like an anime or a 10 year old, both fucking weird, disgusting and representative of how weird our society is…

Posted in:January Jones




January Jones Bikini of the Day

I originally thought January Jones was rocking a selfie stick for her trashy old mom bikini pic, like some sort of BOOMER trying to fit in with the youth, because she’s basically a boomer trying to fit in with the youth…

On the surface isn’t the fucking worst, she’s a little doughy, we used to call them SLIM FATS, like TOMMY LASORDA but a little dyslexic, because there are plenty of soft bodied skinny girls out there, especially in their 40s…

When your career is based on being a skinny chick with big tits, it becomes a struggle to find your purpose and meaning, when younger skinny chicks with big tits take your place, but you can always hang onto the dream for the fans you’ve accumulated on social media, like some low level slut trying to get famous, despite already being famous….

Social media may be lame, but it’s funny to see how lame people who don’t think they are lame become on it, plus tits are fun.


Posted in:January Jones




January Jones Cleavage of the Day

I know that your eyes probably go straight for the tits when looking at these pics of January Jones, that’s basically by design and what she’s clearly hoping for when she oput this weird dress outfit on for a selfie photoshoot for her social media because she’s an attention seeking twat who is rotting out from the inside and I guess the outside too.

I like some big cleavage, hard nipples, even when they aim to the ground too, why the fuck not, I like tits, we all like tits…but the tits aren’t good enough for me to not look at her mid section that looks pretty meaty or the face that looks pretty hard and masculine, just the way a rich guy who knocked her up for a payout would want it to be, in order to keep the pregnancy under wraps.

The point of the story, the tits aren’t good enough to justify her celebrity status, but she seems to think that and we’ll still look. So I guess it’s a win for this narcissist


Posted in:January Jones