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Archive for the January Jones Category




January Jones Fourth of July Ass of the Day

January Jones is a nice reminder that big titty old ladies who made it thanks to their titties don’t die….because in her mid 40s, she still bringing the sexual content that for whatever reason is more ass than titties…confusing me…only because I don’t think now is the time to switch things up, maybe stick to what you’re good at…having tits…integrating other body parts is just confusing to those of us who didn’t watch Mad Men so we don’t know who the fuck you are….other than tits…that are single mom tits…because she never revealed Jason Sudeikis to be her deadbeat dad and there is a possibility he isn’t the deadbeat dad…I am sure there’s plenty of options of who could be…including Weinstein, Cosby, and the cast of Hamilton….LIN MANUEL we’re onto you.

The point is, it was Fourth of July in an era of half the population hating America, half the population trying to hold onto American freedoms and values, but ultimately, Americans as a whole still know they are in the most important country in the world, so there should be more people posing with flags like this, instead of turning their back on the flag…

While I’m a firm believer that we’re all in a conservatorship with the Government and the concept of freedom is just a marketing hook….I can still appreciate good old fashioned American Flag pride….even with old mom booty in it cuz mom booty is still booty according to my research…it’s just not as hot as hotter and younger booty….but it can be as fun because it’s on its last legs and you know when on your deathbed or your sex appeal’s death bed, you try harder.


Posted in:January Jones




January Jones Bathes of the Day

January Jones

January Jones is pretty irrelevant as far as I’m concerned…but I know she’s been a model and actress for two to three decades you know since her 20s and execs and the fans are excited by her tits…

I never found her to be anything special, but tits are good, even when they are old and barely being shown off to their full potential…acting like they are too good to be flashed to the world because she’s not the desperate even if she is basically that desperate….cuz who the fuck cares about January Jones…

I do not quite know what this ritual of putting what could be skin, likely baby skin or placenta on her face to try to stop the aging process now that she’s old as shit and has used her looks to get where she got….unless that’s made of SEMEN…I can’t tell…but if it is Semen I guess she learned her lesson after having that baby out of wedlock who she never identified the father of…but that people have assumed was a “TRAP” baby that exes do to lock motherfuckers in….or a “financial” baby that women make with rich people to lock in child support….and ultimately…who cares…


Posted in:January Jones




January Jones See Through of the Day

January Jones See Through

You’d think January Jones would be at the stage in her career where she is on OnlyFans shoving huge dildos in her ass like it was the early days of her acting career and she was trying to get cast..

It’s always the ones who come out strong, not that January Jones ever really came out strong, but you know there was a hustle, a fire that got her on TV…that clearly dwindled and eventually got snuffed out now that she can’t get any work…and that hustle now that she’s made it or is rich or collecting child support from her secret baby daddy….died with it….you know a “I’m famous, I’m rich”….when she should be self-fisting for monthly paying members…I mean isn’t that what tits are for?

Instead we get low level body shots of the 45 year old on her last legs of fertility and being a “woman”…you know when backed against the wall it’d be a good time to actually fucking bring it…but instead we get this soft boring shit….


Posted in:January Jones




January Jones Got Them Tits On of the Day

January Jones Topless

January Jones is figuring out the whole selfie thing, that’s not to say that she wasn’t a sexter in her previous life, or her current life, I mean you become a single mother somehow and it usually involves letting dudes come in you and letting dudes come in you goes hand in hand with sending them nudes to make them want to come in you…or at least to set the mood for the evening in which they come in you….but she is old, pre-cell phone tech and old women always struggle with that whole getting nude in selfies, until realizing what the fuck else is there to do, you might as well try to get some of that sex appeal while you still got it, especially since everyone else is doing it…..

Older ladies have always been better fucks according to rumors, but that’s just because they are miserable, it feeds their pain and they don’t mind being shameless, because what have they go to lose…

I feel that January Jones is on that kick, if she doesn’t use her tits like she did on the casting couch, in her 40s, trying to stay relevant, when her tits are her best feature….then WHAT THE FUCK IS THE POINT OF ANYTHING.

SO as someone who doesn’t give a fuck about January Jones, here’s some of her tit for those of you who do….

January Jones Topless


Posted in:January Jones




January Jones Lace Dress of the Day

January Jones is some bored as shit barely a celebrity, I mean she’s done one big thing and is set for life from that one big thing, and no, I don’t mean that loser Jason Sudeikis’ penis….because he’s rumored for being her baby daddy….since they were together right before the pregnancy and his reaction to the pregnancy was one of entrapment, unless I made that up…which is possible…I guess we’ll have to ask Olivia Cockburn for the inside scoop when she stops molesting teen boy band stars now in their 20s….weird old lady trying to keep that old pussy young..

ANYWAY…this is about January Jones and how weird her social media is, where she dresses up in costumes when not doing titty bikini pics, all looking like a 40 something year old mom, because she’s a 40 something year old mom, and the whole thing, at least to someone who didn’t watch MAD MAN…is not very hot….but it’s still a busty actress who has been banged out, you know because that’s how you got famous in the 90s, so if you like that tail end of the life cycle or life span of a pussy….this tight outfit is for you…


Posted in:January Jones




January Jones Discusses her Chilli Shits of the Day

January Jones, who I am not a fan of and think is overrated bullshit that was the hot girl in her hometown and knew how to seduce men to get what she wanted with her tits…you know the type….

I never watched Mad Men, because I live that Ad Exec life everyday running this powerhouse media publication with no advertisers…but if I did see January Jones on the show, maybe I’d be brained washed into liking her tits too…but they haven’t won me over yet.

I do think it’s funny that she used her seducing men to get what she wants so aggressively that she ended up with a kid that the dad doesn’t want to take claim on….and broken homes always breed quality…especially when they are rich kids…you know rich kids always do great as long as they have instagram and tits….unless they end up medicating with opiates they find in their shitty mom’s medicine cabinet because all these people, despite being elitists in the 1% who view us as future slaves, even a different species of human because we don’t sit at their high school cafeteria table….are fucked in the head.

I don’t know why January Jones is writing about her shitting after eating too much Chilli and Donuts…you know emptying herself to start the new year up empty…but I’m not into SCAT on a sexual level…I still pretend girls don’t shit even when my dick ends up with their shit on it….

Posted in:January Jones




January Jones Bathing Suit of the Day

January Jones is pretty boring, but she’s taken to instagram to get her hit of male attention by broadcasting her tits in various bathing suits despite being too old for bathing suits…not that she looks horrible in her bathing suit…she’s carried what made her famous in the first place into her 40s…it’s just funny that the out of work actress with the bastard child thanks to the baby daddy (Jason Sudeikis) disowning the kid or at least kept his identity secret and any visits they have had haven’t been captured by the paparazzi, so it is probably more of a no dad, mommy lets strange men cum in her to feel alive or at least like she did when she was first starting out in the industry…

Point being, bathing suit pics are the right pics to post to instagram, so this BOOMER figured it out…because she’s got all the time in the world to figure it out…you know since she hasn’t worked in years and still has more money than you losers..


Posted in:January Jones




January Jones Desperate in a Bra of the Day

January Jones Bra Panties

I support self aware attention seekers…even if self awareness tends to be pretty fucking annoying, it’s an angle.

So January Jones, who I think is overrated trash saying her half naked pic in her bikini or middle-aged woman bra and panty set calling herself out for being desperate like we don’t know the story of how she got knocked up by her ex boyfriend Jason Sudeikis to trap him….and sure I am sure is also an asshole and I have no idea if he’s involved with the kid but he’s likely paid this one off a few times over because that’s what knocking up a woman does to you…it costs fucking money…

I guess what it comes down to is wondering who the the busty model turned “actor” sucked off in Hollywood, because you know there was a time she had to ladder climb, before securing that Mad Men Money….and I guess that child support money….assuming she gets paid out…which I do…

Anyway, as January Jones says…some desperation for likes and follows because that’s how you matter on social media…in this world of everything revolving around social media…and I for one prefer her half naked to clothed…so I’ll encourage her to continue down this slippery slope that oftentimes ends up with premium content set selling dildo videos….FUN….you see desperation has no where to go but MORE desperate because desperation starts, works, then people get bored and want more hardcore desperation…which makes me think we may see January Jones butthole in 2021, not because she needs the money, but because she likes being seen…she’s an actor..they live for attention…it’s their job….

January Jones Bra Panties


Posted in:January Jones




January Jones Bra Flash of the Day

January Jones is not that great, she’s old, she’s a single mom who was all secretive about her baby daddy’s identity, even though it’s been proven he’s Jason Sudeikis on the January Jones fan sites you are probably all members of.

I don’t find her hot, but she was known for her tits, and I’m looking at her tits in a bra and they aren’t that great. She’s just some girl who came to Hollywood from Oregon and made it onto a hit show, we can all draw our own conclusion on whether her gag reflex or lack of a gag reflex played any part in that revelation, but I’ll just assume it did….

I do think she’s figured out her relevance can grow if she does sleazy content on social media in a fun way, the pandemic taught whores everywhere the power or the simplicity of being a whore on social media to get seen..

This is for breast cancer awareness, which I’ve said is a cruel joke…use a celeb known for her tits, to celebrate tits, or research and awareness for a disease that basically murders tits….and who the survivors of have scars where tits once were to remember their tits…while this one’s all like “check out these bad boys”….I said it’s like showing your dance moves to a friend who’s recently parapalegic, but it’s probably worse than that since dancing is for queers.

Posted in:January Jones




January Jones – Fuck Me Boots Want You to Vote of the Day

Celebrities are such fucking puppets…and this is January Jones attempting to do some mind control because she assumes she’s got some level of clout or power because she’s convinced perverts into letting her on the TV shows…it’s not all that exciting…

But she wants you to vote, because celebrities are part of the mind control, brainwashing organizations, they sit on the front lines and in efforts to get you to vote, she’s posted what looks like a 40 year old mom ass in some old lady panties in some VOTE Fuck me Boots that are probably not designed to push voter registration amongst the pervert following, but are probably from some anal sex party she had when pregnant with Jason Sudeikis baby.

What I am trying to say is that January Jones has found social media in the pandemic and posts smut because that’s the kind of girl she is…which is why she’s a celebrity.

Posted in:January Jones