I'll Make You Famous…




Helena Christensen 2006 Nudes for Purple Magazine of the Day

#FBF that is Flashback Friday for all you non-social media addicted losers who don’t keep in touch with what the under 25 crowd is doing…even if the under 25 crowd looks the best naked…and thanks to a fucked up internet filled upbrining….are naked a lot…often times on social media…like the other day when I re-tweeted a girl who was fucking herself with a knife….a fucking knife….an accomplishment she was so proud of that she took the pic from different angles….to really lets us know there was penetration….all for the social acceptance of her peers, 90 percent of whom she’s never met, cuz I guess we all wanna be famous, except me.

Well, these nudes of Helena Christensen may not be of her at 25, cuz she’s in her 40s, and even a flashback of her nude pics from 2006, mean she was likely still in her 40s when they were shot, but in a lot of ways I find them inspiring…and those ways are NOOODZ!!!!

Posted in:Helena Christensen|NSFW