I'll Make You Famous…




Tricia Helfer in her Bikini for Instagram of the Day

Tricia Helfer is some Canadian actress who nerds love because she was hired for some low budget Canadian show that for some reason nerds bought into…because she was the discount bargain basement actor that fit into their budget….

Which teaches us all a valuable lesson, that sometimes buying the bootleg version of what you want, you know the sale item, no name brand version isn’t always that bad an option, especially when it comes to women, because there’s the expensive ones that cost money and have attitude and the ones willing to do shit for a warm shower all eager and shit…and when it’s all said and done, in both cases you get the same outcome…aids….or an orgasm…or a wife you can’t get rid of…or in the case of Battlestar Gallatica, a girl you turned semi-famous.

Here are her bikini pics from vacation.

Posted in:Tricia Helfer