I'll Make You Famous…




Jessica Alba Does Yoga of the Day

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Jessica Alba, who is worth 200 million dollars because she goes to her office everyday to oversee the actual management team who are worth 800 million thanks to letting Jessica Alba think she’s hard working CEO…

She’s proof that if you’re pretty you can make it in anything and it doesn’t require talent or education…Just smile and show your pretty face and people will cast you as the hot girl and overpay you….and execs will say “we really like your business skills, that MBA you got from an IVY League, oh wait you’re a high school drop out, ok, just look pretty and we’ll make you lots of money”….

She’s living the American Dream, despite being half Mexican…what Trump hates…She’s got famous, the number one dream of Americans…and Now she’s a figurehead of a huge corporation….#Merica #USA.

She’s also doing Yoga…

Posted in:Jessica Alba|SFW