I'll Make You Famous…




Gigi Hadid for Calvin Harris of the Day

Rich girl, Gigi Hadid, posted a video of her BFF’s lover, Calvin Harris, who is so fucking smart in his marketing, that I am sure his British hipster “producer” dj ass looks in the mirror everyday and says “LOL, I’m trolling all these fools and fucking Taylor Swift, the most famous person in the industry, even after fucking Rita Ora, the Rihanna Impersonator, who was a gateway for me to get to Taylor Swift”….

So it is only natural that he would cast Gigi in his music video, it’s not like he’s paying, or if he is, it’s from the label, so keep you team stronger, make your team money, and probably get to fuck all of the team, because you’re positioned in the bedroom of Taylor Swift, sexual deviant, A-Personality, superstar, who has to be good in the media, but who we all know is fisting herself the second she’s backstage, or in the back of her UBER XL….

Point being, I saw this video the other day, didn’t bother paying attention to it, because I try to avoid encouraging rich kid Gigi, who I think is overrated, to continue to be relevant…rich girls are way better when they are desperate for attention, not getting attention, because they expect to always get what they want, and it just fucks their head…

I am not being paid to post this, but I should be, because I get sucked into tits like the next guy, and the casting behind this was well aware…”MAKE IT VIRAL, MAKE US MONEY”…


Posted in:Gigi Hadid|SFW