I'll Make You Famous…




Possible Paris Hilton in Bed in Underwear of the Day

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I don’t know if this is actually Paris Hilton, and really if it is Paris Hilton, I don’t know if it actually matters, mot because she ever matters, especially now that she’s pushing 40 and has fallen off into the shadows of Kim Kardashian, who played Paris’ tactics better than Paris did, all thanks to a whore mother and the support of an attention seeking, new-money family…. but because I don’t think these kinds of sexual half naked pics matter in the grand scheme of things, they are all over the internet. It’s like the girl from the coffee shop and the girl from down the street all have instagram and all do staged half naked shoots…even when they are fat…

Sure, in a lot of ways, Paris Hilton made the selfie and sex tape famous, mainstream, accessible, doable, something to aspire to…and we should thank her for that, but seeing her half naked in a bed..doesn’t really do much for anyone..

So this may be a half naked, ex pornstar, Paris Hilton….and based on her tranny size 15 feet…I am going to say it probably is…because it makes for a better post.


Posted in:Paris Hilton|SFW