I just came across “christmas at the strip club”… a cinematic experience brought to you by Youtube and some dude named Thumper ..as a preview or glimpse into the Holiday Season that officially stars on Sunday, when all these girls dressed like slutty everything….from baked potatoes to tampons…that would be exciting if girls everywhere were sluts everyday…
I mean, when girls were conservative and Halloween was an excuse for them to be the half naked girl they wanted to be, but couldn’t be, because their family and moral code…so it was exciting..
But now, social media is an excuse for girls to get naked, or half naked – every day of the year, and they do…and I just keep asking “how many bikinis, panties, lingerie can this person own…and do they only own them for instagram pics, because there is no practical use for all this”…
So Christmas is the actual Holiday that these sluts get lonely and start realizing their slut life is lonely..because they are sluts…so that’s the one we should focus on…not this Halloween bullshit.
All this to say, I have a feeling the guys in this video are one of you.