I am amazed people refer to Kendal Jenner ar as a model or a supermodel…are they really that lazy?
There is nothing fashion model about this character from one of the trashiest shows on TV, other than the fact that her family can afford to buy her designer clothes, not that they have to buy designer clothes, designers who make clothes just send them free shit….
So the extent of her modeling is being a trash can of a human, from a trash can of a family, on a trash can of a show…but with a big social media following…that I guess converts for brands…because the general public are morons and buy what she tells them…or something I’ll never understand…
So with conversions, comes campaigns, because brands don’t give a fuck about concept or who they cast in their lazy at best concepts…they just care about conversions…and like her dad…who converted his gender…this bitch converts…
But I will never call a social media personality from a garbage trash TV show..a supermodel…because marketing departments are lazy and say “people seem to like her, use her, the campaign will get noticed”..
It reminds us that all this is an absolute joke…. the fashion industry, the celebrity world, and social media…jokes…
It’s like mindless idiots don’t take a second to think “she’s not very hot, she’s not really a model, she is on a garbage show and represents all wrong in the world, giving her this work is just feeding into this bullshit and perpetuating it, which is easier than being innovative or taking risks”…and the whole thing…is vile…it’s just suck up bitches sucking up to bitches…
She is not cute, she’s not important, interesting, a leader, an innovator, she’s just a lie, a pile of bullshit lie….she is a Kardashian…and she’s playing a model for fun, like everyday is Halloween, because she can…we allow it, the brands allow it…stop celebrating shit..
The best Kendall Quote is from her app – talking about her “insecurities”…made me laugh:
I had such bad acne when I was younger. It completely ruined my self-esteem. I wouldn’t even look at people when I talked to them. I felt like such an outcast; when I spoke, it was with my hand covering my face.” She then goes on to discuss the way in which she found an acne solution through both [INSERT PRODUCT PLACEMENT HERE] and growing older.
“What I want everyone to understand is that it’s been a process: It wasn’t anything that happened overnight. But slowly, I’m working towards not caring, and I’m just in so much of a better place about it all now that I’m older,”
Is this a fucking joke? Here’s her campaign for H&M.
It’s gotta be a joke…
Posted in:Kendall Jenner|SFW