Zoe Saldana is in the latest issue of Latina Magazine…because I guess she’s not a creature from Avatar after all, unless Domincan is where Avatar people are from…
Latina or alien or not, she will always be remembered as the creature from Avatar, because nerds are very loyal too the girls in their nerd movies, and commit to them for a long time….they probably still jerk off to that…and seeing her like this…is more “who is this non-blue bitch”….
Doesn’t matter..
What matters is she’s talking about people like Trump….because as a latina, the undocumented people are still fucking people, and as a Canadian, I’ll say US immigration is fucking bureaucrazy bullshit…and Donald Trump is just a marketer, who likes to sensationalize things, touch on real issues, but talk to the lowest common denominator with words they want to hear….because it’s only hope of getting the vote…not to mention those are the people watching TV…and who created the Kardashians…the masses..
Here’s her quote:
“This topic of immigration hurts because I don’t want to be angry anymore. I don’t believe that what anybody else is saying is true about me or my people. I’m kind of embarrassed when you see all of these people talking on national television, and it’s like, ‘Oh my God, if your grandfather were alive today, when he came here from Ireland, from Italy, escaped the f*cking war in Russia. You’re rotting his name to shame. It doesn’t matter how much money you have, or how many degrees from Ivy League schools. You’re such a bigot. You’re such a hick right now.’ People have to be open to the reality of what’s happening in our country.”
I am a firm believer that energy should be spent in educating the uneducated racist retards…to make America a great place, not because I’m Mexican, but because the same people who protest adult DVD stores, or strip clubs, or Starbucks for making their cup red…with a trailer full of babies, just need a little guidance to get it…but instead these people like trump perpetuate the morons…because he’s power hungry..
So dumb…but what’s really dumb is that this isn’t a nude shoot.
Posted in:SFW|Zoe Saldana