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Archive for the Zoe Saldana Category




Zoe Saldana’s Nipple Dance of the Day

I don’t know if it’s racism, but I don’t understand how people have sexualized Zoe Saldana or at least hyped her up into being seen as some “hot chick” in the movies….

It could be my systemic racism that is deep in my soul that makes me unable to see chocolate beauty, but I know hot dark chicks when I see em….and my testicles have never been the kind of perverted testicles that even notice the enthnicity of a pussy I am appreciating….

It’s probably that she’s not hot and that they have just marketed her as hot for the retards of the world to generally accept her as hot since they are told she is hot.

It’s how they make their money, brainwashing and manipulating us for their personal gain…HOW DARE THEY…..but did you see her hard nipple, check out that hard nipple, THAT is a HARD nipple….OMG Saldana is fierce, just look at the nipple, so HOT…they should put her in the movies, she’s clearly the hottest chick ever thanks to nipple.

Posted in:Zoe Saldana




Zoe Saldana Hard Nipples of the Day

Zoe Saldana is old as shit and about as relevant and important to the people who don’t have an Avatar fetish, that her weird nighty selfie with her hard nips, like she’s trying to launch a fan site, because social media has reduced all these girls to the whores that we all knew they were, which I guess doesn’t really reduce them to being whores, but rather shines light on it, because they can’t help themselves from being attention seeking, hard nipples in their nightgowns, EVEN in their 40s!

To the Avatar fetishists, this must be a big fucking deal!


Posted in:Zoe Saldana




Zoe Saldana Swimsuit of the Day

Zoe Saldana Ass in a Swimsuit

We’ve all seen old lady Zoe Saldana naked in West World, because she gets naked in West World…and there’s nothing wrong with that, she’s actually got a pretty great body for a 40 year old…even if she’s got that 40 year old face…

You’ve probably seen Zoe Saldana naked in your weird Avatar dreams, you fucking virgin loser comic book reading, avatar watching, socially awkward weirdo…or in the sex doll you had designed to look like her – thanks to your Avatar fetish….that has been translated into a series of porno moves….because people like you exist.

I wonder how man people have jerked off to Zoe Saldana in her Avatar costume….I am going to assume a lot, because there are a lot of weird Sci/Fi nerds out there who are disgusted by real women, because real women, or more importantly, the way real women ignore them make them so angry, that the only way they can get off is when they are dressed like aliens.

Zoe Saldana Ass in a Swimsuit


Posted in:SFW|Zoe Saldana




Zoe Saldana for the Nerds of the Day


Now that the Star Wars hype these nerds have been fully absorbed in the last year is over and they’ve seen the movie 10 times in the last 3 days…

They can go back to fetishizing female stars of other nerd movies they love, like Zoe Saldana in her bikini in Mexico…not getting killed in some drug cartel shit…but still in a bikini with a decent enough mom body…especially for the nerds, since like Christians, they are committed to the cause no matter what that cause does or looks like…they are for life…thanks fanatic obsessive compulsive disorder…..and autism…

I like the shitty quality from a serious distance making her look like some kind of cartoon character…it reminds me of when paparazzi actually worked for their pics…

All this to say – I like her half naked neanderthal walk…sexy like a caveman with saggier tits…


Posted in:SFW|Zoe Saldana




Zoe Saldana On Donald Trump for Latina Magazine of the Day


Zoe Saldana is in the latest issue of Latina Magazine…because I guess she’s not a creature from Avatar after all, unless Domincan is where Avatar people are from…

Latina or alien or not, she will always be remembered as the creature from Avatar, because nerds are very loyal too the girls in their nerd movies, and commit to them for a long time….they probably still jerk off to that…and seeing her like this…is more “who is this non-blue bitch”….

Doesn’t matter..

What matters is she’s talking about people like Trump….because as a latina, the undocumented people are still fucking people, and as a Canadian, I’ll say US immigration is fucking bureaucrazy bullshit…and Donald Trump is just a marketer, who likes to sensationalize things, touch on real issues, but talk to the lowest common denominator with words they want to hear….because it’s only hope of getting the vote…not to mention those are the people watching TV…and who created the Kardashians…the masses..

Here’s her quote:

“This topic of immigration hurts because I don’t want to be angry anymore. I don’t believe that what anybody else is saying is true about me or my people. I’m kind of embarrassed when you see all of these people talking on national television, and it’s like, ‘Oh my God, if your grandfather were alive today, when he came here from Ireland, from Italy, escaped the f*cking war in Russia. You’re rotting his name to shame. It doesn’t matter how much money you have, or how many degrees from Ivy League schools. You’re such a bigot. You’re such a hick right now.’ People have to be open to the reality of what’s happening in our country.”

I am a firm believer that energy should be spent in educating the uneducated racist retards…to make America a great place, not because I’m Mexican, but because the same people who protest adult DVD stores, or strip clubs, or Starbucks for making their cup red…with a trailer full of babies, just need a little guidance to get it…but instead these people like trump perpetuate the morons…because he’s power hungry..

So dumb…but what’s really dumb is that this isn’t a nude shoot.

Posted in:SFW|Zoe Saldana




Zoe Saldana and Others Naked in Women’s Health of the Day

I don’t need it to be Thursday or Friday to do a throwback or a flashback, I’m wild and crazy like that, maybe even unstable and sociopathic, where I just take the rules of the internet by the balls and post these nude pics of these girls I’ve never heard of:

Kimberly Wyatt, Robyn Lawley, Millie Mackintosh, Amanda Byram, Chrissie Wellington, Jo Calvino, Terry Anderson, Louise Hazel and Zoe Hardman.

That apparently dropped in September, but that I was too drunk to notice, but I’ll post these now…to remind everyone that nude pics live forever once posted on the internet…and that you can always go back to masturbate to them like it was the first time…

Posted in:Zoe Saldana




Zoe Saldana’s Interesting Pregnant Look of the Day

Zoe Saldana is pregnant, and in being pregnant she decided to jump on the free the nipple campaign, without really freeing the nipple, but rather by wearing no bra, as her breasts and hormones start to get jacked, in what kind of makes her look like she’s getting some of those “just hitting puberty tits”…it’s time to get a bra, even though your flat chested, Uncle Tom Boy ass never wore one in her life, because puffy nipples, despite being a fetish with sites devoted to them, aren’t as hot as hard milk filled tits should be, but then again, maybe I’m just thrown off by the creature growing inside her uterus like some kind of horrible alien…I mean, maybe that’s why I don’t find anything about this hot…


Posted in:Zoe Saldana




Zoe Saldana Strategic Nude for Women’s Health of the Day

The flaw in these pics of Zoe Saldana promoting whatever bullshit movie she’s in since Avatar made her famous – is that there’s no spread vagina in them.

I know, I always say how shitty strategic or implied nudity, especially when it involves being full nude, because like you and everyone else…I want to see gash.

But the reason it is so important to see Zoe Saldana’s Gash, is because she’s pregnant and based on THESE PAPARAZZI PICS – already showing…

Meaning this naked body…and vagina that has yet to be mangled…but will be mangled…is already historic documents..and like all historic documents…they would be better with gash.

Calling a vagina gash always makes me laugh.

Here are the pics

Posted in:Zoe Saldana




Zoe Saldana is Strategically Nude for Allure of the Day

Zoe Saldana is strategically nude for Allure and I don’t think her fan base is really going to give a fuck, despite being awkward virgin losers, because she only matters to them when she’s painted blue, and all non blue painted nude photoshoots are just pulling away from what they care about and what makes her matter to them….her being the Avatar love interest…

You know every other movie she does takes away from what she is to them, so in a lot of ways these strategic nudes are depressing to the people who actually care about her, and depressing to me, because they are strategic nudes and her ethnic vag isn’t spread eagled.

Posted in:Zoe Saldana




Zoe Saldana’s Got Some Hard Nipples of the Day

I wonder how man people have jerked off to Zoe Saldana in her Avatar costume….I am going to assume a lot, because there are a lot of weird Sci/Fi nerds out there who are disgusted by real women, because real women, or more importantly, the way real women ignore them make them so angry, that the only way they can get off is when they are dressed like aliens. You know, the kind of weirdo you’d expect to be serial if he had a few more social skills, but instead just kills rodents he buys at the pet store to calm himself…

I am going to also assume that those people who jerked off to her in her avatar costume probably have no interest in her hard human nipples….they just aren’t blue enough….and the rest of you probably have no idea who she is, but I’m posting it anyway, because every since I was 13, hard nipples excited me…


Posted in:Zoe Saldana