I'll Make You Famous…




Charlotte McKinney Huge Florida Trash Tits Distract from her Face for Love Magazine of the Day

I’ve give Charlotte McKinney credit where credit is deserved….she does have massive tits, and she has been very good at using the strategically to get ahead. Whatever that means, or entails,

Her life is a Christmas Miracle, well, really her tits are, her life is a series of strategic things she’s properly executed with those tits, like getting on TV and making herself household, far better than all her big titty florida trash friends who still work as cocktail waitresses and fuck black drug dealers…or worse…white middle managers…in khakis at the golf course…which if you’ve been to florida, you know those frat bros are all over the motherfucker…

Either way, this may not be a real Christmas themed video or a Christmas miracle…or really anything but big tits on the beach…but at least the tits distract from that krampus face…

Posted in:Charlotte McKinney|SFW