I'll Make You Famous…




Zoe Kravitz for Matt Jones of the Day


Zoe Kravitz is the worst. I don’t know why she bothers me so much, it’s not a racist thing, and let’s be real, she’s barely black…both her parents were half white, accessible, Jewish people in the entertainment industry, in an era where it was easier to get work being accessible, white / jewish black…than black…

In fact the only interesting thing about Zoe Kravitz is that her her grandmother on her dad’s side was the Willis’ black wife on The Jeffersons…that was the last generation of people with actual substance in her family deserved attention.

Whether her genetic composition is more white than black or not, doesn’t matter…because what matters is that she’s a spoiled brat rich kid, who was raised by these self involved parents who tried so hard to be spiritual and have depth, because as you know, these celebrities being in the entertainment industry alone makes them vapid cunts and all the other soul searching they do in their identity crisis is just superficial, pretentious bullshit…

Meaning, Zoe Kravitz didn’t have a chance, she was raised so alternative, to come across as this cerebral, artist, bullshit…as she tries to be an actor, model, personality…artist…but she’s really just a rich kid with a trust fund, spoiled as fuck…it’s not really her fault she’s annoying, but at least in her hipster quest to have depth her family pretends to have in their mansions…she shows nipples….and that’s pretty solid…if it’s the only thing she’s really given us that matters…

Posted in:SFW|Zoe Kravitz