I'll Make You Famous…




Hailee Steinfeld in a Bikini in Barbados of the Day


Hailee Steinfeld is some Hollywood actress who realizes that there’s more money in shitty music, you know with tours and merch and everything, plus it’s so much fun to play a popstar all dancing on stage, despite being big and awkward…rather than filming one or two movies a year that take around two to three months a year to make…leaving 9 more months to leverage that fame to make the family as much money as possible…thanks to guilt you can assume her parents make her feel when she doesn’t work, despite being 18, due to the sacrifices the family has made to give her this fucking career in the first place…even though the family has always been LA based JEWS and not really a story of struggle, packing up the van with nothing to break into the industry…a mom sucking every dick she can to get a head…and a daughter forced to watch because they live in said van and there’s not much privacy in a fucking van….

So we can assume, her acting and singing is the equivalent of working at Disney for the summer or on Weekends, it requires about as much talent and is probably less demanding than working as a waitress through college…it just pays a lot more and takes her to great places like BARBADOS…in a bikini top…where she doesn’t have that “fresh 18 year old in a bikini pussy I want to taste” pervert vibes…she’s more like the weird 18 year old you didn’t fuck in high school, but should of, because no one talked to her and she’d be easy to get up inside…

All this to say, at least she’s not at Coachella.

Posted in:Hailee Steinfeld|SFW


