I'll Make You Famous…




Kendall Jenner for V Magazine of the Day


Kendall Jenner is being marketed as a TOP MODEL….and is getting jobs TOP MODELS once got, but we can only blame the media for that.

It’s up there with the TRUMP situation, that as a Canadian I don’t really have an opinion on, other than the simple fact that America is dumbed down, into social media and don’t know quality or substance, they just know or understand pop culture and commercial mainstream success and like drones follow the leader…

But the media, journalists, people who are educated and supposed to be behind the scenes informing the people are just as PC and retarded as the people digesting the content….

So instead of saying Kendall is a vapid little cunt, with an unmemorable look or face, but she happens to be the better looking skinny one from the horrible marketing machine that is the Kardashians…the shittiest brand in America..that America created and made rich as fuck….

Instead of saying brands only use her for her following, because they know she wants to be a model, and that magazine want to be on her good side so she tags them on instagram….instead of saying she’s a fucking lie…they perpetuate it..

I assume you that you only know what kendall looks like because they’ve showed her to you 40-50 times a day – and not because she’s inspiring or perfect for the shoot or campaign…

It’s exposure I hope leads to her premature death…because this low quality shit must end…

GARBAGE….V Magazine have historically been the biggest suck ups to celebrities to get hits…they are fucking garbage…they can try to make shit seem artistic or high concept – but when you cast a cunt like kendall, a fucking commerical puppet, it’s a fucking ad..



Posted in:Kendall Jenner|SFW