I'll Make You Famous…




Kendall Jenner in her Underwear – Still Exists of the Day


In case you forgot..Kendall Jenner is still Garbage…

I have actually had conversations with dudes who don’t really give a fuck about models, they just care about pussy and they are brain washed into thinking this girl is hot as fuck….they think she’s amazing because they’ve been shown pictures of her over and over again and compared to the alternative, especially in her own family, she’s the ideal one..

Brands like her, she’s a modern day AVON lady, capable of pushing products, and she can pose like an asshole, because ultimately, modeling isn’t a real talent and choosing the right girl for the part – is nonsense…it’s all marketing and about selling product, so use the one with the biggest audience and the most connected, because her and her litter of sisters are each marketing vehicles…modern day family on the block at the top of they pyramid scheme…getting everyone to buy into their lifetime supply of supplements because they are sharks and know how to prey on the idiots

Posted in:Kendall Jenner|SFW