I'll Make You Famous…




Miley Cyrus Cleavage of the Day


I hate saying that Miley Cyrus was a brilliant marketer and manipulator a couple of years ago when she decided to take on the Youth market in a relevant enough way….because I felt as an outsider that every move she made was a fucking lie, was a fucking rip off, was stealing from a generation of kids…and I am convinced that if the internet didn’t make everyone the fucking same basic idiot – it would have never been generally accepted…

But kids, the youth or as Ivanka Trump calls them, Millennials are really fucking literal, they have no concept of what is real, they love commercialized shit, and they don’t try to fight the system, but rather let the system track their every move and distract them with Pokemon or Miley Cyrus or some shit….

So she pulled this edgy, tits out, which is what all these mainstream, who act like they are anti-mainstream, but who if they lived in my generation, would be in GAP khakis not sucking dick at parties, even if it wasn’t actually her….

And now she’s back to her homebody self, showing off tit, that is probably pregnant tits, because she’s all engaged and boring as shit…but her bathing suit, that shit’s still got remnants of the style she raped, pillaged and made a pile of money from…

Posted in:Miley Cyrus|SFW