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Kate Bosworth Nude for Some TV SHow of the Day

Kate Bosworth is on a TV show, which is amazing because I love Kate Bosworth. She’s one of the only celebrities I’d say is hot as fuck, but it could be because she’s skinny, or maybe it’s her jawline, or maybe it’s because she was a model and never really did anything that I can think of, but everytime she was out in the paparazzi – i was like DAMN girl…sit on my face and show me the bridge where your anus meets you vagina…MY FAVORITE part of her…or any girl really….

That said…she’s looking her age, but it’s graceful and sophisticated….like a woman I want to see in action, past her prime but still hot and using all her years of experience living in the hollywood scene…to ride rides my face….since my penis is pretty insignificant…

But here she is doing lesbian sex for TV…looking naked but not naked enough because I can’t see the bridget where her anus meets her vagina…

I just found out people don’t find her hot…I am blown the fuck away…how is that possible…

Posted in:Kate Bosworth|SFW