I'll Make You Famous…




Michelle Hunziker Bikini Picture of the DAy

Michelle Hunziker is a 50, which is pretty much a dead for most moms, at least based on all scientific research put into the study of female sex appeal..Sex Appeal Correlates directly with their level of fertility…unless you’re weird and you’re weird…so you like it all – as long as there’s a tit or a pussy – and even that is not a requirement.

Michelle Hunziker tricked the system, and I guess this bikini / lingerie model, bending over pulled it off.

I don’t know what the tabloids love her, maybe it is because she’s a freat of nature…and looks good in a bikini but she’s got 3 kids, probably with really poor guys….you know since models love poor guys…it forces them to keep fit, so that they keep getting work you know….on their toes….

She’s Swiss, so I guess that makes her neutral, or a undocumented tax shelter….something the poor guys she dates probably love.

Posted in:Michelle Hunziker|SFW