I'll Make You Famous…




Megan Fox for Esquire Greece of the Day

Megan Fox for Esquire Greece

Megan Fox is reaching for the stars….and by reaching – I mean really fucking reaching and grabbing for anything with even a remote level of relevance to in turn bring her back to a place of relevance – because she was the hot chick in movies many years ago….and besides being in Transformers, I don’t even remember any movies she did, because she’s just that important of an actress, her impact in the hollywood industry felt deep within the core of the industry…she is more than just a plastic surgery ridden mom of 4 trying to keep hot…and doing any magazine that will do her…much like a 45 year old divorcee sitting alone at the hotel bar just hoping the a dick walks in and falls into her….so that she doesn’t feel so fucking busted up and broken down…even though she is…

This isn’t magical..but it happened.

Esquire Greece? Where’s the olive oil lubed anal my greek co-worker at the factory once told me about having with the obese receptionist…WHERE IS IT…

Posted in:Megan Fox|SFW