I'll Make You Famous…




Awkward Bikini in the Snow Dance of the Day

It’s cold as fuck where I am and I don’t have the resources thanks to not investing all the money I never had into start-ups in 2008 like I was Ashton Kutcher, you know to get a piece of everyone’s pie, making me a billionaire..

Instead I focused on bullshit dog shit money, probably the worst money a site with the traffic I used to get could get, because I just cared about drinking…

So that now I can’t afford a nice insulated house with state of the art, or really any heating system..

Instead, I’m in a cold as fuck, damp as fuck, basement with a spaceheater than may kill us in our sleep..

What better way to celebrate winter, and the bullshit that is winter, than see some woman we don’t know awkwardly dance in a bikini for social media..

If you don’t like that’ – here’s a bikini snow angel…

Posted in:SFW|Videos