I'll Make You Famous…




Jaime King for Love and Lemons of the Day

Jaime King in a blue dress for Love and Lemons

Jaime King is the new face/body of Love and Lemons, probably a friend deal, you know LA girls all know each other if they are at a certain echelon of success….because why else would a brand want some 38 year old to be their model…it just doesn’t make any logical or scientific sense…it’s gotta be a friend thing…

Everyone who knows who Jaime King is, knows that before she was on whtever TV show she’s on, thanks to acting being a joke of a career that anyone can do..

She was a top NYC model with a huge heroin addiction in the late 90s….so deep into heroin her boyfriend died of an overdose on her…real deal shit…

Far more interesting than this stylized shit that she’s obviously doing to try to still look hot…and I guess the good news is she’s still got that skinny heroin model body…because this fat would be terrible…

Posted in:Jaime King|SFW