Rita Ora is posting some slutty posts on social media, which is pretty much her thing, and you probably saw them on social media, because social media made the blogs irrelevant, because no one needs to hear my commentary on Rita Ora, or her tits, or how she’s been trying to get famous for many years, even though no one actually knows what she does.
You can come to your own conclusion in her chasing the fame like Patrick Swayze chasing that wave in Point Break, only she doesn’t die at the end, I mean sure she’ll die, but she’s not dead yet, making these tribute posts to her whoring less interesting…
Point of the story is that we know she’s a singer in Europe who never officially broke in the USA despite her record deal….at the time she banged Kardashians…tried being a reality star and TV HOSt and really just did well with social media titty pics like most women in this era of WOMEN empowering…
I think this is her year, she will finally get what she’s looking for, I mean she’s hustling and has been for a long time, most people would have killed themselves for not making it by now…but I guess she just keeps going…and this is her going…

Some fitness

Some Bra:
Some red: