I'll Make You Famous…




January Jones Erotica of the Day

January Jones White Panties

January Jones Posts them Nipples for Woman Pride of the Day

January Jones hopped into the water full clothed for a magazine called Violet Grey…showing the nipples for feminine power…

What I like about January Jones is that she made a career for herself without having any real access..which means she was Weinsteined to some capacity and she hasn’t complained about it.

She’s also managed to have a kid that she’s kept the dad secret – because either it happened at a gangbang – or it was with some high powered dude who pays her to shut up – either way – she hasn’t exposed him and accepts who she is and how she got here…

I also like that at 40 years old, she’s still pulling out them tits / nipples / whatever for attention – when really she’s not that interesting or compelling as a star.

Posted in:January Jones|SFW