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Ashley Tisdale Fitness of the Day

Ashley Tisdale Sports Bra and Leggings

I feel like I am a bit of an internet asshole, maybe even a troll, or a weathered, tired Troll who doesn’t actually troll anymore because it takes too much effort and I am more entertained staring at the wall than trying to prank idiots on the internet…

But I still write content daily that these celebrities would probably find “negative” if they were to read it….and I say this because I’ve been told by at least one celebrity that I am an asshole …from Rose McGowan to Alyssa Milano…and the rest of the Cast of Charmed…to Lohan and whoever the fuck else has bothered to call me an asshole bottom feeder that I am…I’m just trying to get enough money to eat here….

So Tisdale was on my target for a long time, only because the media awarded her a teen choice award as being a “hot chick”…when clearly, she wasn’t….it was clearly paid for by Disney to promote their movies, and I didn’t like that FAKE NEWS, because before trump’s fake news, there was other fake news by the media…like saying TISDALE is hot…

In some ways, the media says a bitch is hot, and people follow and it brought back memories of me in my first year of highschool, a total outsider immigrant amongst white people, not quite confident in myself, feeling everything out, and really not the horny pervert I am today….and this group of white dudes were obsessed with a girl who looked like a burn victim cuz she had tits, they’d be like “Melanie’s so hot” and all I’d see is a monster….but instead of being “you guys are nuts”…I was like “I’m nuts to think she’s a monster, all the dudes find her hot”…and ended up trying to make out with her…despite thinking she was a monster…which was essentially self imposed rape….#metoo…

I don’t like that happening to others, so when I see blatant lies calling girls who aren’t hot hot, I have to stand in and take things down a notch….

But even when calling her ugly…I would say “at least she’s fit, a fit body is always good to fuck, and we don’t need a hot face to fuck it”….because with all bad is some good…and I guess she’s in the gym, but has let herself go a little…and here it is.

Posted in:Ashley Tisdale|SFW