I'll Make You Famous…




Iggy Azalea’s Fake Ass in a Bikini of the Day

Iggy Azalea’s got inspired by Kim Kardashian in more ways that just getting a ridiculous fake ass…because a could of days ago Kim K, the big ass leader who I guess dictates the trends to white girls wanting to fuck black guys, posted a similar series of her crotch…and this bitch, the mooch fuck Australian with a thug accent, cuz she’s faking it, and badly acting it, on some Margot Robbie shit, they probably went to school together and wrestled the same Crocodiles/ Kangaroos and Koala bears together, where together they planned to take over the world, one as an actor and one as a terrible female actor, while bother decided to get their fuck on…

I guess the new fetish that the new “classic” as this trash calls herself – is promoting is the lipo suction stomach, thick hips, ass implants bursting out the seams pussy shot …and as a fan of pussy…let’s keep it up…all you shameless whores out there – do it.

Posted in:Iggy Azalea|SFW