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Ashley Graham Spreading her Fat Legs of the Day

AShley Graham Big Fat Swimsuit Spreading Her LEgs 55

Ashley Graham posted up some pics of her spreading her legs – and the most amazing thing about this spread legs pics, I mean along with her not having a stroke trying to get into this position, is that her inner thighs aren’t discolored like most obese people from having them rub together…I am a fat man and know how these things work…I have had chaffing before and I’m not even a woman…I know this is some masterful work from her make-up artist who unfortunately has to smell her cheeseburger scented cunt while trying to perpetuate her lie that there is such thing as hot fat chicks…when the world knows the only thing hot about fat chicks is their statistically premature death and as a man married to a fat chick, even that isn’t that good, because it’s a slow death…diabetic and heart disease death…that opens the doors to a lot of fucking whining and neediness instead of a traditional suicide..

What I am getting at is – don’t believe or encourage Ashley Graham. She is all that is wrong with America…the fact they figured “Let’s use fat chicks to sell to fat chicks cuz fat chicks are tired of not relating to hot chicks”….instead of telling fat chicks they are disgusting…and that all sizes aren’t beautiful…and that clothing shouldn’t be available if you’re too fat…so that you don’t leave your damn house…until you get in fucking shape…

I hate this movement and not just because it clogs so many toilets….

It’s just everything wrong in America.

More of her Morbidly Obese Tits..

AShley Graham Big Fat Swimsuit Getting Wet

Posted in:Ashley Graham|SFW