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Halsey Being Black in a Bikini of the Day

Halsey Tits in Pink Bikini

Halsey is black, or a black panther, now that she’s decided the best marketing angle is to promote her blackness, which I don’t discourage, but that I find racist in and of itself, partially because she’s whiter than Rachel Dolezal in appearance and has probably gone through life thinking her half blackness is a funny little thing about her cuz no one knows…like a party trick “guess what, my dad is black” to which everyone goes “whaaaatt no way”….to which she busts out a pic…that’s how the plight of an identity crisis goes…

As a celebrity, or try hard celebrity, I figure she’s exploiting it as hard as she can because it’s current and now and an angle…and I mean she’s black we can’t argue that…and even if being the whitest half black person in the world is a challenge in and of itself…because no one accepts you, even if she’s played up being white as fuck in the media….and everyone thought she was white, because she’s white….

I don’t know what made Halsey think she needs to prove herself as being anything but an EDM vocalist who became an EDM vocalist by raving hard at the club and getting back stage to connect with the EDM people who made her and gave her a career, since these people are accessible nerds and getting back stage at a club isn’t that hard when you go there weekly and know everyone cuz you’re a party slut…

I don’t understand why she can’t just be a fucking human, instead of putting on these labels to keep the world categorized and hating each other. Pretty irresponsible CRACKER.

More importantly, I don’t know why brands use her in marketing campaigns, when she’s been caught ripping lines of coke on a Boat in Miami…like aren’t people held accountable for shit anymore? Or only for racism? I don’t get it.

I guess Sugarbear hair is good for her NAPPY ROOTS

Halsey Being Black for an Ad

Posted in:Halsey|SFW