I'll Make You Famous…




Tinashe Got Them Titties On of the Day

Tinashe tits out in black crop top

Tinashe is some singer who no one has ever heard of, except maybe Britney Spears, since they did a song together….

As it turns out, she was fucking some NBA player, who left her for the Kardashians, in efforts to get in on that Kardashian show, and make moves as a Kardashian lover, since it gets all these guys extra rich, and all they have to do is stick their dicks in the Kardashian sludge pussy….

That’s the world we live in…

Well Tinashe, is clearly not avoiding the media in hopes of getting seen now that there is some press around her, because she’s as shameless as the dude getting up in the Kardashian, trying to milk the Kardashians…like the cows that they are….obviously some more cowlike than the others…since the Kardashian that stole this tit’s man was Kendall.

Fascinating world we live in.

Posted in:SFW|Tinashe