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Demi Lovato Heroin Overdose Tribute Post of the Day

I wasn’t online for the last 12-15 hours, so I didn’t post on Demi Lovato’s overdose, because I am not the news, and I don’t actually care.

But I don’t appreciate how the demi lovato overdose is going to be spun, or is already being spun, if you’re a crackhead heroin addict, be a crackhead heroin addict, own it, don’t be a pussy or have your team spin it into mental health, making a mockery of your heroin addiction, or making nonsense excuses validating it, instead let us try to understand why she’s celebrated and used a health and fitness ambasssador for Kate Hudson’s brand, and other brands, or why mother’s let their daughters go to her damn concert, but most importantly, if she’s an addict, why is she so fat…

I hate the bi polar lies…just entitled rich brat, being a rich brat, who can’t even handle her drugs, because she’s gotta make some sort of cry for attention for herself….


There probably wasn’t even an overdose….and if it was…it probably wasn’t accidental….or heroin…because I doubt this girl is spiking her veins…but then again, what do I know…for the most part, I have no idea who Demi Lovato is….

I have had a few heroin addict friends who have died taking the same dose they once took, they were much cooler than Demi Lovato, not for dying, but for being actual addicts and owning it.

I’d catch one of them in my bathroom shooting coke like a rockstar pretty much every time he came over and I knew it’d end bad for him eventually…

I just doubt rich and famous Demi Lovato is as broken or interesting as actual heroin addicts..but here’s a round-up of pics of her being slutty for attention like the Disney Kid lying to her audience while pretending to be so real that she is though…

Just so boring really…

Posted in:Demi Lovato|SFW