I'll Make You Famous…




Eugenie Bouchard Ass in a Bathing Suit of the Day

Eugenie Bouchard proves that even tennis players need to clickbait that sexualizes them damnselves…because making over a million dollars a year doing the sport you love without sexualizing your damn self isn’t enough in this world of everyone sexualizing themselves…it’s like there needs to be some thong ass exposed ass….and I’ll tell you something very simple, the internet is better than real life, because I have physically seen this girl jogging on the street, all 6 feet of her, she is from the city I live in, and I will tell you that you wouldn’t even notice her, other than that she’s 6 feet, amongst the crowd….so sure, celebrate her because of the tennis skill and think that makes her ass more interesting, but her ass is really just an ass, it’s only worth looking at here cuz it’s straight whoring.

Posted in:Eugenie Bouchard|SFW