Sarah Hyland, who has had a Kidney Transplant so gets a pass on pretty much everything from being annoying as fuck, to looking creepy as fuck….even if she’s just another entitled overpaid celebrity who started as a childstar and is still in the same role because the TV industry is fucking crazy and they don’t kill off the last standing shows that still work..
Well, I guess being a handicapped sticker holding, developed weird girl allows you to post up sexy in weird disposable bra nipples…and Black Face…
Even though Black Face, for whatever reason, especially on Halloween, despite being the only way you can dress like Kanye, is considered the fucking worst.
Yet this one…gets away with it…cuz she’s famous or has a shirt off…I don’t know…but it the Social Justice warriors and fight cultural appropriation!
Here she is in some weird modern family promo shit

Posted in:Sarah Hyland|SFW