Dynastyloveyouis a 21 year old babe…
She’s an instagram influencer that not enough big brands are working with – despite her being a fucking legend in this era of inclusion.
She’s the Kylie Jenner, if Kylie jenner was a deformed crackbaby with some kind of retardation…
She’s hood, and producing all kinds of the same content as all the other sluts out there…you don’t need to be able bodied to pull off their hustle….if anything this is one of those “you’re not that great, a retard could do your job” situations…
Not that I see handicapped people, I see handicapable people. I see talent and hard work and drive that able bodied people don’t have because their lives are so simple and basic…
I also see a fetish…a very weird fucking fetish….so take it in…Dynasty is the future.

Posted in:Dynastyloveyou|SFW