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Hailee Steinfeld Did Cosmo of the Day

So here is Hailee Steinfeld posing next to caption:

Quick & Hot Sex Tips….and 15 ways to make sex Hella Romantic….and the Secret Plot to Kill your Sex Life….which is a reminder that even for Cosmo…a magazine for the modern woman…that is likely only read by 15 year olds…is only selling copies because you’re all a bunch of fucking perverts…yet their practical list form approach to sex is advertising friendly because it’s what women need to know…because it’s written by other women….

Even though it’s likely primarily read by perverts like you who want to jerk off fantasizing about what young girls read for sex advice in what is clearly a sex magazine, that is ad friendly, cuz they are running a scam…but no different than a porn mag…because everyone’s a fucking pervert…

But unfortunately, unlikely a porn mag, they don’t have Hailee Steinfeld showing her pink….the labia that got Larry Flynt in so much trouble, which is a sign of Feminism in and of itself..celebrated your labia no matter how mutated and weird it is…hasn’t quite made it’s way into this issue of Cosmo yet….but when it does…sales will surge…cuz we like labia with our nonsense sex advice…

Seriously…how is Cosmo still a thing…it’s called google and porn site girls…

Posted in:Hailee Steinfeld|SFW