Lili Reinhart fucks the dude who plays Jughead on the show Riverdale, which is why you know who Lili Reinhart is….because you are like me, and don’t watch outdated Hollywood shit like the Golden Globes, because we are capable of deciphering our own decision as to whether something is good or bad and we don’t need some Gala event to give these idiots trophies to feed their egos….we spend our time on social media looking at tits, dating apps looking for sex…and in order to relate to the half retards that are too blinded by their selfies to realize what the hell is going on, you have to watch the real low quality TV they watch to better understand them, in order to manipulate them into sucking your dick… shows like Riverdale appeal to idiots, but people like me watch them to appeal to idiots, even though every second of the show is the fucking worst, like it doesn’t even know it’s a TV show, or how it became a TV show…they had one Season…that’s all they were prepared for and the rest has been a scramble that doesn’t make sense….
That said Lili Reinhart is the fat Betty, not the Betty I used to jerk off to when she was a comic, it was the 70s…we were easier to please….but the new generation Body Positive Plus Sized Betty….looks knocked up…all the youngs are doing it thanks to no AIDS crisis to scare them into condoms…and in this stage of her possible pregnancy….she’s got big swollen fat girl tits in a push up bra…which should fulfill your needs and wants…
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Here she is flashing her panties at the Golden Globes
Posted in:Lili Reinhart|SFW