I'll Make You Famous…




Lily Rose Depp Pink Ass of the Day

Lily Rose Depp ass in pink satin looking pants…..the kind of pants you want your sheets made out of…partially because they are so silky smooth..but also because Lily Rose Depp’s ass in in them…

She’s a legend, without ever having to do anything, which makes for an interesting specimen of human because it can go one of two ways….

Either she’s got a huge chip on her shoulder and feels the need to prove herself as more than just a Depp rich kid…

Or she’s chilling…just cruising through life because she’s a Depp Rich Kid…

Some rich kids are spoiled and entitled cunts, while other’s are just pretty chill cuz they know they have everything….

Which one is she? Maybe there needs to be a movie about it.

Yes…this is what I think about whilst staring at her ass….

Posted in:Lily Rose Depp|SFW