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Katie Stevens Fat Upper Pussy of the Day

Fat upper pussy, traditionally known as a gunt, or a MUFF gut, is a place where older women, usually after childbirth and during Menopause get a fat deposit similar to a beer belly, on their pubic bone, right about the pussy lips…

Thanks to lack of diet and exercise..and a natural, innate urge to eat our way through everything that tastes good….coupled with people pretending being fat is empowering so they can get fatter and still work, or be seen as not fat…it’s a get everyone on board and it will make new social norms in fatness…even though I am still fat…younger girls are getting muff guts, gunts or fat upper pussy at younger and younger ages….and they don’t even realize it, but instead post pics of it…..on social media…making for weird bikini clickbait…

This one is named Katie Stevens…known for finishing in eighth place on the ninth season of American Idol … a real winner….who has gone onto act in some bullsit…because American Idol is staged shit and agents at the agencies launch their new talent that way…perpetuating the lie that is hollywood…but giving us all some Fat Upper Pussy Bikini Pics…

She’s Portuguese which explains her body type…

Posted in:Katie Stevens|SFW