I'll Make You Famous…




Susan Sarandon’s Daughter in a Bathing Suit of the Day

Susan Sarandon has a daughter, like most celebs who in their self involved narcissism want to reproduce with a richer guy than them to give them some level of security even if they are already rich….to elevate their level of richness to the next bracket of richness…it’s just how these things work. Women breed up, unless they are Britney Spears….the only issue with that is that their genetics get diluted by dude who is rich sperm…which is usually a bad thing…cuz rarely are rich men good looking…unless they are born into it thanks to their ugly rich dads knocking up hot models…SCIENCE…

Point being…her daughter is old now, but for a while was a titty actress trying to create her own career as an actress….on Californication…with her tits out….and that concluded her acting career – now she’s just a mom. In a bathing suit…cuz a ho is a ho is a ho is a ho.

Posted in:Eva Amurri|SFW