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Josephine Skriver Costa Rican Bikini Test Tube Baby of the Day

If you’re prolife, then you better be against IVF….cuz if you’re a believer in GOD giving babies to people, then you need to be into GOD not giving people babies. If you’re moral compass is that Abortion is killing a life, and the foundation of that is based on your belief in God, more than it is in your belief in killing potential babies is bad…even if the kind of women getting knocked up often times are the kind of women who shouldn’t be having kids….then you must embrace that IVF or anything that involves making a baby in a lab, as to your specifications, like Josephine Skriver’s dad did with her…is the sign of all evil….

So when you see couples with IVF babies, God didn’t want that, science did…so don’t go celebrate the miracle of technology allowing people who can’t breed naturally, buying their pregnancy, because you can’t embrace tech as God’s gift in one instance, and condemn it in another.

I like consistency.

Posted in:Josepehine Skriver|SFW