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Ashley Graham Still Promoting Obesity of the Day

Ashley Graham Obesity Lingerie

Here’s XXXL Ashley Graham still out there being sexualized as a fat chick – despite being a fat chick – for all the fat chick fetish perverts out there…..

I don’t think tits are supposed to have cellulite, but when you’re as fat as Ashley Graham it happens..

I’d say that the reason she’s fat like this is because society is encouraging her to be fat like this…to be a voice of a poeple she’s just exploiting…and when the hype ends and we go back to responsible decisions after society dies of being obese…like not celebrating fat people, or sexualizing fat people…she’ll likely get skinny….

But she’s probably just a fat chick in the right place and right time…doing that fat chick thing cuz it works for her and gets her paid….so she’d just be a fat chick we’ve never heard of…a better place to be in my opinion…at least for us.

I do hate the fat chick movement to be the voice of fat chicks when being fat is unhealthy ALWAYS….and we shouldn’t be empowering it…other than saying “Ok you’re unhealthy, if you want to be naked sure, or feel sexy in fat lingerie fine, but we can’t reward you people and say it’s OK to be like that – cuz it’s not – obesity causes a huge strain on society and we should only be paying people who tell that narrative….not people who give misinformation of this narrative like all fat girls – making excuses and saying it’s ok…when it’s not”….

Stop eating. Start moving. Fat fucks.


Posted in:Ashley Graham|SFW