Hailey Baldwin Bieber is doing some slow twerk while looking over her shoulder, one that reminds me of a horny girl trying to get fucked on the dancefloor, or maybe a horny girl pushing back on a cock cuz she learned that in a porno she watched…and she’s doing it in a Corset…
I thought Hailey Baldwin Bieber was a Christian. Her whole union with Bieber was that through god and their church thanks to being two fucked up young rich kids making their way in the world surrounded by all this temptation….
Does that mean, that once you’re married, you can start simulating sex through dance on the internet, you know it’s not against god’s way for husband and wife to fuck hard, unless birth control is involved….is the marriage what gives Baldwin the green light to let out her inappropriate moves for people to jack off to?
I mean, the girl has been half naked on social media for a long time now, she’s been a low level whore, friends with the Kardasians…a Narcissistic celebrity kid trying to make a name for herself on social media…trying to become the false idol her God is supposed to hate….so her Christian nonsense was always just nonsense….she was sexualizing herself underage…like the priests like if she was a Catholic boy…but that’s all still NON Christian…
It’s just silly these idiots believe their own bullshit.
Posted in:Hailey Baldwin|SFW