MILEY CYRUS hooking up with Brody Jenner’s fake wife, who doesn’t need to be named because she is clearly a just social climbing dick sucking whore who manipulated Brody Jenner long enough to end up on the reboot of The Hills and is now sucking Miley’s gender fluid dick on a boat in Italy..
We knew Miley was splitting with her dude about a month ago, reported it here for you to ignore and wait for TMZ or DailyMail to put it up as fact, you know the official announcement that you idiots don’t realize people in LA who hate other people in LA feed me stories all the fucking time…like an under the radar spy motherfucker..without ever caring or wanting to be that…
We also knew Miley does all she can to make noise and get noticed, she’s banged chicks in the past and it worked out for her, she’s also showed us all her pussy hole pretty consistently that we get how she does her marketing…and girl on girl in some luxury place is such a basic tactic it makes jacking off to it less inspired than it would be if you were say hiding in a closet in their yacht watching this go down…
We know Miley is fresh off the presses for being single, paparazzi are on her dick, this is just a way to make a story and laugh about it at night, I doubt they actually squirt in each other’s faces like real dykes…but even if they do…it comes from a bullshit place since these people have no souls…

Here is her sister Noah flashing her tit…
Posted in:Miley Cyrus|SFW