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Shay Mitchell Doing Pregnancy Bikini Weirdness of the Day

The last thing I want to see a pregnant bitch do is strip down to a bikini and crawl around on all fours…

I get that these women are trying to maintain a level of hype around themselves, knowing they are easily replaced and forgotteen if they don’t….and they know that all fours is what got them in this mess all along…and they know that all fours is the only way Matte Babel fucks here cuz otherwise he’s gotta face the next 18 years of his life head on….hoping it comes with child support / spousal support while he stays at home parents and she keeps earning for the family like a good little Indian…who started out rich to being with..

I just don’t really want to see the milk sacks ready to feed the baby while on all fours, let’s stick to thee ass and pussy area….keep that gunt out of sight….this isn’t a ready to drop fetish site….yet.

Posted in:SFW|Shay Mitchell