Tara Lipinski the original Pro Skater…Tony Hawk didn’t die for this shit…not that he’s dead, but I assume he stole Tara Lipinski’s glory when he launched TONY HAWK Pro Skater video game with Playstation and changed the fucking face of the Skateboard industry, turning it into a Mass Market, McDonalds mainstream MTV thing….allowing nerds and losers who would never be cool to embrace the lifestyle and rock some skate shoes at the mall…when Tara Lipinski was out there pitching TURBO GRAFX 16 the Tara Lipinski Pro Skater game…that never materialized…all because Tony Hawk stole it from her…
But at least she can garner some hype around herself with her ass in a bikini…her skinny skater ass that still has muscle memory thanks to all those years of hard training…Roundness like all those girls in leggings and bike shorts I see every time I leave the house….I don’t know how asses got so round, but they are so fucking round.

Posted in:SFW|Tara Lipinski