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Lara Stone Big Tits Out for Fashion of the Day

Lara Stone Big TIts Out Fashion

Lara Stone is old as ashit, assuming that shit is old, I always do because it has some bloody petrified look to it, that I assume means it’s been baking inside of me for at least a month…not that I want to be talking about my digestive issues due to what I assume is Hep….but wn I call a bitch old as shit, I ask myself “Is shit that old”…maybe I should use another example, maybe she is old as J.LO, or Old as that Grandmother I saw pissing on the side of the road outside the Salvation Army store cuz she clearly can’t afford diapers…which makes me wonder if Lara Stone is that old? Has she lost her ability to control her bladder? I feel like we’ve seen her nips for 20 maybe 30 years…back when tits for fashion was a thing reserved for busty models, before the whole modeling world got overtaken by the DO it Yourselfers…

I guess none of this matters, other than my one Lara Stone story that involved her legal team aggressively coming after me about her Honeymoon pics back when she married some COMEDIAN…it was years ago, and even then she was old….and the pics were tame bikini pics…and this was years after we had seen her tits, her bare tits all the time, on the fucking regular, it’s why she got work….So I thought to myself…what a fucking cunt, coming after people like me, who are doing her a favor posting her…all to try to keep her honeymoon that clearly the paparazzi attended a fucking secret… when all I was doing was saying – here’s some recently married tit you’ve seen in a bikini….just a shitty attitude from clearly a shitty human…but the tits man….they’ve kept her afloat and here she is now…


Posted in:Lara Stone|SFW