Heidi Klum is some exhibitionist pervert who is acting like a 20 year old newlywed from the 1950s….back when newlyweds were all about getting their fuck on and exploring each other sexually…while we are no in an era where Newlyweds are only getting married because they’ve stopped fucking each other and have given up on fucking other people but like the idea of raising a family in a traditional home….
I guess it makes sense that Newlywed Heid Klum would act like a newlywed in the 1950s, since she was born in the 50s, or maybe was created in a lab in the 50s, we can’t be sure with at Nazi German engineering….but the being sexual and slutty on instagram is just a weird thing to discover about a bitch…it seems desperate and gross…cuz I like sluts who are sluts in private but uptight and prude in public…like in KLUMs case we all know she had a sexual dysfunction thanks to being German to begin with, then all the kids with Seal happened and we knew she liked being SHREDDED By huge cock that allowed natural birth to happen with ease, like we knew the underwear model was a slut…but we didn’t need to SEE her being a slut in selfies…the excitement was NOT seeing that and knowing…
But now everything is all in our faces, and she’s going through if not done with Menopause…so it’s her final stretch of sex appeal and she’s not going to let that go unnoticed…now that she can’t get pregnant to show us just how sexually active she is…so she posts all these post sex moments and all I can think is that her pussy is so fucking battered that it must stink…

Posted in:Heidi Klum|SFW